Domains for Sale

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What do you wonder?

A domain name that is easy to remember and related to your brand is considered as a good domain name. However these domain names usually are in demand from a lot of potential buyers and thus cost a lot to buy them. Also, .com extensions have the most demand.

The Top Level Domain differs on the user’s needs. Normally .com is most widely used and advantageous in creating a brand. However depending on the purpose of the website, .net or .org is also widely used and regional Top Level Domain such as .in(India) is used.

If you want a domain name that someone else owns, you can’t register it on the domain registrar and have to buy the domain name directly from the domain owner. Thus it is more convenient and reliable to buy the domain on a website transaction platform or marketplace such as Gruuz.

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Domains for Sale in India

If you are managing a business, you probably will want to create a website promoting said business. The very first thing you must acquire is a domain name. Do you have experience registering or for your business on It is estimated that around 33,000 new domain names are created every day. This is saying that every 2.6 second a new domain name is created. Thus is a phenomenal statistic.

The potential value of these domain names range from 1000 rupees to 1 lakh rupees and are being traded at various prices. Aren’t you curious as to why we buy domain websites? We'll help you why you should buy a domain, where to buy it and what information you should consider when buying a domains for sale successfully.

What is a Domain Name?

Domains are normally what we call a domain name and it is the key asset to telling the internet and the people surfing on it where your online business is located. Thus, the domain acts as a brand identity for your business and buying a domain name for sale suited for your brand is the first step to the success of your online business. You may think ’Is it that important?’ but even a simple domain name has an influential impact on the credibility of your business to potential clients.

What is Buying a Domain?

Buying a domain is literally purchasing a domains for sale. Normally through a domain registrar institution you can freely register your domain of choosing. However in certain instances where you can’t register your domain, you have to buy an existing one and use it.

What is the Reason for Buying a Domain for Sale in India?

The main reason for buying a domain is because the domain name is already owned by someone. There are countless domains in the world, but the best are owned by individuals or institutions.

If nobody owns a domain yet, you can freely register the domain name under the domain registrar institution.

However, if the domain you want is already registered by another person, then the only method of buying the domain is to purchase it from the current owner.

Where can I Buy a Domain Name in India?

So, you might be wondering how to buy a domain website even if it is owned by another individual or business. You can buy the domain through a domain registrar institution or a domain marketplace.

Best Platform for Buy a Domain Name for Sale in India

Gruuz is the platform we recommend for you to buy a domain name. The most important factors to buying a domain name or website is transparency and safely purchasing the domain name and rights. This is where Gruuz’s ‘Verifying Domain Ownership’ function works its magic. If malicious users sold domain names they didn’t even own, the domain transaction market will be flooded with online fraud and theft. However at Gruuz, the domain seller has to verify their ownership before uploading it to the Gruuz marketplace. Thanks to this initial barrier, we can prevent unwanted cases of fraud beforehand.

4 Key Factors to Look Out for When Buying a Domain Name

So as important as it is to buy a good domain name, let us look specifically into what factors constitute as a ‘good domain’.

1. Simple and Memorable

The most important key factor when choosing a domain name is simplicity and impressionism. If the domain is short and easy to remember, this will remain in the memories of people for a long time and help with brand recognition in the future.


Out of the top two choices, what attracts your attention more? Many people will probably have chosen no.1’s The benefit of this simple domain name is that it is easy to remember and not difficult to type in when entering into the web address bar.

Thus when buying a domain we must refrain from using long or complicated words that may confuse webpage users and visitors and buy a domain name that is keyword and brand name related to your business.

2. Relevant Keywords

As we mentioned above, a domain is the billboard of the website. Thus it is important to deliver the message of the domain website or business to the webpage visitors. The visitors looks at the domain name and understands what services or area of business the website has to offer. If a website sells authentic Indian desserts but the webpage states ‘’, people will be confused. It will be more effective to have domain that says ‘’, right?

Thus when buying a domain that has a very visible message that can be delivered to the users easily, it can help visitors identify what type of service they are willing to get from the website.

Especially in the case of Search Engine Optimization a more identifiable domain name will help your business become for visible in the search results.

3. No Numbers or Symbols in the Domain Name

In accordance with the no.1 paragraph’s simple and memorable domain name, it is advisable not to use symbols or numbers in a domain name. If you want to make a ‘cool’ domain name using symbols or numbers, you can but the problem is domain page visitors may have a difficult time inputting the address.

For example, the electronics goods website "" has the 12th highest ranking traffic address in India. However if we input this into the address, sometimes we miss the hypen in between. This may have caused some users to go to another webpage, potentially costing customers in the process.

If the domain name was simpler such as "" it would reduce the number of people going to a search engine and indirectly accessing it, and thus not lose potential visitors. Thus when buying or registering a new website it is important for the address to look ‘cool’ but more importantly not have a domain name that has numbers or symbols in it.

4. Choosing a Proper Domain Extension.

Domain extensions or Top Level Domains play crucial role in domains. There are various domains, but normally .com is used the most. However depending on the business or website operational purpose different Top Level Domains or extensions are used. Then we will give specific examples as to what role each Top Level Domain plays on the Internet

  • .com: The most wide used form of TLD, it is used for normal businesses or other miscellaneous areas.
  • .org: An abbreviation for organization, it is used by government organization or research institutions or public entities.
  • .net: A TLD used frequently before .com’s wide usage, it usually is used for internet service providers and network service providers.
  • .tech: An abbreviation for technology, it is usually used for IT startups, software companies and other technology related websites.
  • This domain name is a Indian regional targeted domain and is called ccTLD(Country Code Top-Level Domain). It allows a higher listing in Indian search engines and helps users identify the regional characteristic of the domain.

How Much Does it Cost to Buying a Domain in India?

The domain’s cost differ and is correlated with the underlying value and popularity of the site.

Let me give a specific example. With the introduction of Open AI, chatGPT has become a very popular online tool all over the world. Interestingly, the word ‘chat’ has become an extremely popular word in domain names. Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of HubSpot sold to OpenAI for a fee of 131 crore Indian rupees or USD 15.5million.

As you can see depending on the time or the situation, an undervalued domain name can jump up to over 100 crore rupees in the future. The prices differ and change depending on the market situation. At Gruuz’s platform, you can search for your next potential great domain name at reasonable prices.

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